Tuesday 11 May 2010

Reiki is not a cult or religion, it doesn’t interfere with any beliefs, it’s a really easy to understand method, to make you more aware that there’s more to life than just the things that you can touch or see.

It’s like a gateway to another dimension, it ads one more to your 5 senses (you have touch, smell, taste, you see and hear) and Reiki opens up your sensitivity to energies.

What you’d call your intuition will be magnified through the practice of Reiki. You start sensing things, just on a completely different scale, and it brings you in touch with your Body.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

London Reiki Development Group

This group is suitable for anyone interested in learning and practising Reiki.
The London Reiki Development Group is suitable if you are a complete newbie to Reiki and want to learn more before considering a London Reiki course.
Maybe you have completed a Reiki course and want to get better at using Reiki.
Many Level 1 and Level 2 Reiki practitoners need to practice and expand their Reiki knowledge, in preparation for your next Reiki stage of development. This group is the perfect format and support.
Are you a Reiki practitioner or a general Therapist who uses Reiki in their sessions? Come along to the London Reiki Development Group to share, learn and grow your own energy!
Hosted by Reiki Master/Teacher Andrew Paradnik (that's me ^^) and guest masters.

26th October 6.30pm - 8pm
9th November 6.30pm - 8pm
23rd November 6.30pm - 8pm
14th December 6.30pm - 8pm

Informal sessions. £7 contribution per person.

Group host is Andrew Paradnik, Reiki Master and Teacher who has worked with individuals and groups for many years. Andrew teaches and follows the original Reiki traditions of Dr Mikao Usui's teachings and combines this knowledge with Teachings from other disciplines including Qi-Gong, Yoga, Meditation and Higher Sensory Perception. These unique Reiki classes are designed to give you an elevated understanding of Reiki well beyond the standard course content for each Level.


Tuesday 24 November 2009

The Healing Touch Of Reiki- Learn How Reiki Can Assist Your Life, Health And Happiness

By Yvonne Handford

The healing touch of Reiki is a traditional Japanese healing modality which has spread across the globe and has proven to be a miracle healer for many. Reiki can assist your life in so many ways including your health and happiness. Today many peoples' energy field is unbalanced and blocked, which results in the manifestation of many diseases, pain and discomfort, depression, stress, anxiety, addictions or behavioral problems. Adults and children alike. Physical illness is an outward sign that the inner body is unbalanced and needs healing.

More and more people are now realizing the key to a happy healthy life is through preventative medicine and not waiting until one becomes seriously ill before making personal changes in their lives. Holistic and Alternate therapies such as Reiki, is becoming increasingly popular as it gives each individual the power, to take control over their own destiny in life.

Reiki is a self help healing technique designed to assist and maintaining sound health, balance and complete wholeness physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is also a safe, gentle and natural form of "hands on healing" system that heals the mind, body and spirit using pure energy. Reiki energy is Universal Life Force Energy.

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words. Rei which means life force energy or spirit, and Ki which means energy. When combined means Universal Life Force Energy. A Reiki practitioner aims to improve the Life Force Energy within the recipient to clear any negative blockages and toxins from the body, which leads to ill health.

Universal Life Force Energy is present in everything - people, buildings, animals, trees and nature. Reiki is the oldest form of natural "hands on healing energy" known to man and the process of healing is a very individual one which happens at the given time.

The energy of the Universe has healed many situations for millions of people all over the world, and is now regarded very highly by medical doctors. Today Reiki is now widely accepted in hospitals all over the world.

The benefits of Reiki are well documented and include reduced stress and anxiety levels, relief of pain and discomfort from chronic illness, assists lowering heart rate, improvement of the immune system, promoting recovery after surgery and anesthesia, increased confidence, promotes relaxation, greater tolerance to others, improved mental clarity, revitalizes energy, increases the therapeutic benefits of medication, herbs, flower essences and homoeopathic remedies.

Reiki is also a wonderful aid for many common everyday illnesses like colds, insomnia, flu, stomach upsets, bites and stings, burns, sprains, sinusitis and headaches. Reiki can be used to heal people, animals and also objects like cars and computers etc.

The healing touch of Reiki is also well known to reduce the side effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy used to treat cancer. Reiki has been used very successfully to enhance the sense of peace in people who are dying. Some Reiki practitioners believe it is necessary to exercise caution when treating a person with a mental illness.

The skill of Reiki is passed down from teacher to student, which everyone can learn - no special skills are required. All that is required is desire and willingness to learn.

The Reiki Practitioner channels healing energy through their hands and into the recipient either directly or from a distance. Reiki is never harmful and always heals the recipients for his or her highest good. The wonderful thing about Reiki energy it is of supreme intelligence and knows exactly where and what the body requires for a healing.

Reiki heals on all levels and can greatly assist your life, health and happiness.

Yvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master trained in Usui Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the "Golden Keys" to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams.

Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com

Who is a Reiki Master?

By Kary Berthelot

An Introduction of the Master

The Master is the person who has devoted his time and energy in learning the art of healing that is known as Reiki. He studied and earned the degrees relevant to enhancing his skills in self-healing, healing others, and teaching the Reiki students. Prior to being qualified as a teacher, he has to prove himself proficient in executing all techniques in the lower degrees or levels both with mastery and efficiency and then he must move on to studying the Master Level or Master Degree.

Looking into the entirety of the Master, you will see a person who performs the healing art with due proficiency. He is the kind of an individual who is able to feel the calling along with the willingness to assume the responsibility of being a mentor, an initiator, and above all, a teacher. He is the certified person who can teach the methodologies and then attune other students into this kind of healing art.

The Master's Skills Enumerated

As the Master of Reiki teaching, he is endowed with numerous skills that have something to do with the spiritual healing. Included herein are his communication skills, the transforming, and handling of different types of emotional responses, carrying on the therapeutic figures, specializing in the teaching skills, and overcoming any resistance to perform the healing motivation. Since Reiki is comprised of various levels, the Master should be knowledgeable enough in granting his students an in-depth knowledge in every level that he handles. It is furthermore required that he is capable of teaching all the encompassing levels or degrees.

Using the Energy

The master should therefore have the rightful knowledge on the usage of the life energy. As per the Reiki theory is concerned, the energy flows towards the target. Thus, it is exhibited to where the attention of the healer is directed. The symbols play a vital role in this sense especially in the production of the energy. There are different symbols involved and they all generate the respective energy. The produced energies are later on utilized for several objectives like stress relief and stress release, healing, and in curing a myriad of problems.

The Learning Course of the Masters

There are numerous courses that help mold a Master in Reiki. Reiki itself revolves within the straightforward philosophy of self-healing prior to healing other people. A Master's first challenge is that of healing himself because it is the only way on how he will be able to heal and help other people. During the training, the student who aims to become a Master is aided in resolving his personal past issues so he can better hold the rein of his own emotions. The mind training likewise helps a lot in provoking the manifestations of his own wants.

At any rate, the Reiki Master has a spiritual power that should never be underestimated. With all the positive energies in him, he is sure to influence the outpour of positive results.

Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com

Daily Reiki Practice To Reduce The Effects Of Aging

By Dennis Barker

In this article I will describe a ten minute visualisation which I have been using for 10 years to improve my own health (physical, emotional and intellectual). The process is very simple and involves a couple of minutes of preparation followed by a short visualisation exercise.

Begin by preparing your space. Take the phone off the hook and let anyone who might have a reason to disturb you in the next ten minutes know that you wish to be undisturbed.Clear a space if necessary and place a straight backed chair in the centre of the room.

Spend a moment or two adjusting any music you may have chosen for the exercise. I recommend relaxing instumental music of approximately 7 minutes.

The visualisation begins once you are seated comfortably in the chair with your feet flat on the floor.Keep your back straight and maintain an upright posture for this exercise.Begin by imagining yourself putting down roots into the earth and feel yourself attached physically to the earth by these roots as they wrap themselves around the core of the earth. Visualise the earth giving your roots nutrients as they anchor you and nurture you.Bring up the nutrients fron the earth as you breathe first in, then out.Imagine the nutrients flowing through your bloodstream and moving around your entire circulatory system, being absorbed into the celular structure of your physical body.when you are satisfied that you have received enough nutrients begin to visualise white light spreading outwards from your physical body extending out as far as your fingers. A ball of white light glowing and pulsing with your breathing and heartbeat. The ball of light extends outwards as far as your fingertips if you were to extend your arm and hand fully.

Sit in this white light for a few moments and recognise your own ability to empower yourself with positive thoughts and emotions. If you feel any aspects of your life could improve send white light to this specific area, visualise the nutrition improving your relationships and financial status.

When you feel ready begin to focus once again on your physical body and renew your focus on the moment at hand. Slowly count your breaths from one to ten and then open your eyes if they have been closed. You may need to stretch and shake your arms to bring yourself back into the day to day life.

Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com

Discover The History Of Reiki Healing

By Yvonne Handford

The history of Reiki Healing reveals the story of magical healing energies which were rediscovered by a man named Dr Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk in the early nineteenth century. Dr Usui found the "key" for healing using only energy and the palm of your hand. His amazing quest to find the missing "keys" of Reiki healing has now been widely spread all over the world, and used daily by millions of people..

A senior student asked Dr Usui, "Do you believe everything written in the bible?" Dr Usui answered "yes". The boy then proceeded to ask "Why does it say in the bible that we can walk on water and heal sick people, when we can't".

This was the seed that started the quest for answers and Dr Usui resigned from his position. He moved to the United States of America and received a Doctorate Degree in Scriptures.

Dr Usui knew Buddha had the power to heal, so he returned to Japan to study Buddhism.

Whilst studying Buddhism he discovered the Original Buddhist Scriptures, but unfortunately they were written in Sanskrit (an ancient language). Which he had to study before he was able to understand the teachings.

Finally, he found the formula of how Buddha miraculously healed people. He knew he was close but could still not heal people. Dr Usui went to the mountains in Japan to fast and meditate on the technique required to heal people for 21 days. His friend the Abbot warned him it could be very dangerous, and he may even loose his life.

As Dr Usui climbed the scared mountain he collected twenty one stones, that he used as a calendar. He spent his days on the mountains studying the sutras, meditating and singing. As the days passed Dr Usui became tired, stiff, hungry, thirsty and exhausted and disappointed as he was no closer to discovering how to heal the sick.

On the twenty first day as Dr Usui began to head home, then suddenly he became aware of a beautiful beam of white light shooting from the heavens directly towards him.

He was stuck by this light which eventually knocked him over, he could also see bubbles of white light before his eyes. These bubbles of light contained the energies of Reiki. He realized the missing key's of Reiki Healing had been given to him, and the missing energies or the now known symbols of Reiki healing, had been rediscovered.

Following this experience Dr Usui was no longer feeling the tiredness, stiffness, exhaustion and hunger he previously felt. On the way down the mountain he stubbed his toe which he placed his hands over and the pain and bleeding subsided. He healed himself.

When he arrived down from the mountain he stopped at an inn and ordered a Japanese breakfast. The inn keeper could see he had been through an ordeal by his clothes and appearance.

Whilst waiting for breakfast he healed the inn keeper's daughter of tooth ache. He also healed himself of aches and pains plus his friend at the Monastery the Abbot, of severe arthritic pain using only energy and his hands.

He continued to heal the poor and the beggars for many years. Eventually left the beggars and returned home to the Monastery, where he began healing and teaching students throughout Japan.

Dr Usui now realized there were two primary aspects of Reiki Healing which were vital- the healing of the spirit and the responsibility of the receiver.

Dr Usui passed the "Keys", the lineage and the history of Reiki onto 16 students including Chujiro Hyashi, Hakayo Tagata and Phyllis Furimoto who in return passed the Reiki lineage on to thousands of students, so his teachings were never lost again.

Article source: www.freearticledirectory.co.uk

Reiki Psychic Attunement Explained

By Tamara Baruhovich

What is meant by Reiki psychic attunement? How does it happen? How is it done? These are just a few questions that go through the mind of those who first learn about this ancient healing art and its relationship to psychic abilities. This article will shed some light that will help answer those questions.

A Simple Explanation

Let's start by explaining what an attunement is. The word attunement comes from "in tune" and this refers to manipulating the energy to fine-tune or bring into balance the patient's spirit, emotions, feelings, mental processes, and physical body to create synchrony within and oneness with Life Force as a whole.

This procedure may also help in the opening and expanding of the patient's innate psychic abilities. Some advocates of Reiki emphasize that it assists in clearing the concerns that tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies which are the cause of turmoil and disease. Moreover, the attunement process brings about the healing energies from the Life Force Energy into the being.

Although Life Force Energy is around us at all times, not every person can easily access and absorb it into their system because if the chakras are out of balance, the blocks prevent the energy to be absorbed and utilized properly.

During the course of the attunement process, all of the metaphysical and universal laws as well as the Law of Similarity and the Law of Correspondence are called for. The Law of Similarity states that if a person, object, event or condition bears any resemblance or similarity -like color, shape, action, etc.- to those of the patient, it can be used for healing purposes as if it were the person or condition itself. And the Law of Correspondence states that every component of a system retains its own characteristics but also takes on the characteristics of the system as a whole, much like a holographic image in which each piece is composed of the total sum of its parts.

These concepts are widely used in distant healing, for example, a photo of the patient is similar to and corresponds to the patient himself.

Besides Usui Reiki, other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki are used by many Masters to perform distance healing with symbols. This aids in sending the energy across space and time. As a general rule, the experience that is present when the attunement is performed requires no body of belief, faith or religion for it to work. Also, one attunement can last for a lifetime or several may be needed according to each individual circumstance.

Reiki and Psychic Ability - Clearing the Misconception

The name psychic attunement is often utilized to describe the process when a Reiki student or patient is being harmonized with Reiki Energy. It's important to make clear that while Reiki may awaken psychic abilities in the receiver, the Reiki Energy, the attunement itself or Reiki practice as a whole is not in any way a psychic phenomena since the practitioner does not make use of his mind's power in the treatment session. Simply put, Reiki is often compared to ESP, telepathy, and mind reading, but it is something quite different in concept and execution.

The term 'psychic' tends to be associated to horoscopes, divination, future tellers, and even the obscure, but this association doesn't reflect the truth. The word psychic comes from a Greek root that means "the mind of the soul." It basically refers to the perception of information without the use of the readily available and well known five senses. In this sense, we are all psychic, even though some of us may have our psychic sense more or less developed than others.

On the other hand, Reiki is the word used in describing the Life Force Energy that encompasses every living creature. "Life force" may exist through different terms and names in various cultures and countries but the entire concept remains the same: it's the energy that encompasses all.

Thus, the practitioners of Reiki are not in any way psychic, so to say. They are people who have gone through rigorous training in expanding their knowledge about life and Life Force Energy in general. They have also learned how the human physical body works from the physiological standpoint, as well as how it responds to the energy around.

Therefore, even though people refer to Reiki treatment as Reiki psychic attunement, it is important to understand that it does not fall under the category called psychic phenomena. During an attunement session, the healer senses the illness or pain when they feel warmth or vibration over one area of the patient's body while they touch or pass their hands over it. Through the attunement they can readily channel Life Force Energy to the ill area to aid in the balance of energy of that particular region, organ or system.

This in turn brings about healing. All the energy channeling is done just with the use of their bare hands, and no psychic phenomena takes place.

Not too long ago, Western Medicine was reluctant to accept Reiki as a valuable means to restore health. Fortunately, as time passes and results become impossible to deny, Reiki therapy is gaining popularity and rapidly becoming a more accepted source as an alternative methodology of complementary medicine. Reiki is also being referred to as "Energy Medicine" or "Healing Touch Medicine." After all, the power of touch has proved helpful and effective many times and with several conditions, which will only continue to aid in the recognizing and accepting Reiki as a real and valuable healing method.

Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com