Tuesday 24 November 2009

Daily Reiki Practice To Reduce The Effects Of Aging

By Dennis Barker

In this article I will describe a ten minute visualisation which I have been using for 10 years to improve my own health (physical, emotional and intellectual). The process is very simple and involves a couple of minutes of preparation followed by a short visualisation exercise.

Begin by preparing your space. Take the phone off the hook and let anyone who might have a reason to disturb you in the next ten minutes know that you wish to be undisturbed.Clear a space if necessary and place a straight backed chair in the centre of the room.

Spend a moment or two adjusting any music you may have chosen for the exercise. I recommend relaxing instumental music of approximately 7 minutes.

The visualisation begins once you are seated comfortably in the chair with your feet flat on the floor.Keep your back straight and maintain an upright posture for this exercise.Begin by imagining yourself putting down roots into the earth and feel yourself attached physically to the earth by these roots as they wrap themselves around the core of the earth. Visualise the earth giving your roots nutrients as they anchor you and nurture you.Bring up the nutrients fron the earth as you breathe first in, then out.Imagine the nutrients flowing through your bloodstream and moving around your entire circulatory system, being absorbed into the celular structure of your physical body.when you are satisfied that you have received enough nutrients begin to visualise white light spreading outwards from your physical body extending out as far as your fingers. A ball of white light glowing and pulsing with your breathing and heartbeat. The ball of light extends outwards as far as your fingertips if you were to extend your arm and hand fully.

Sit in this white light for a few moments and recognise your own ability to empower yourself with positive thoughts and emotions. If you feel any aspects of your life could improve send white light to this specific area, visualise the nutrition improving your relationships and financial status.

When you feel ready begin to focus once again on your physical body and renew your focus on the moment at hand. Slowly count your breaths from one to ten and then open your eyes if they have been closed. You may need to stretch and shake your arms to bring yourself back into the day to day life.

Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com

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