Tuesday 24 November 2009

Reiki Energy Healing

By Stephanie Lana Taylor

REIKI is on the most ancient healing methods known to man. It originated in Tibet and was reintroduced in the nineteenth century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui.

Reiki is mentioned in 2500-year-old writings in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language. The Usai system is named after Dr. Usai and it has been passed down to Reiki masters since that time and is now practiced worldwide.

We humans have Universal Life Energy all around us and within us. This life force energy is given to us at birth and we use it up in the business of ordinary daily living. We have to create a daily supply of new energy when we are unable to for a prolonged period, we may become physically or emotionally ill. If our supply of this life force energy is very low and depleted, we suffer from all sorts of physical, emotional and mental disorders.


Reiki is a natural and simple healing method, which allows a person to absorb more life force energy. The system vitalizes your life force by balancing the energies in the body. This natural energy flows in a powerful and concentrated form through the hands of the Reiki healer. The Reiki healer lays hands on the various chakras, energy channels, there are seven main energy channels, and balancing these centers will bring the body back into harmony. Once balance is restored the body can start to heal from within.

Stress is generally thought to be the reaction to the demands of daily life. If you cannot cope with these demands you may react with physical, emotional and mental symptoms. If you suffer stress over a long period of time, the body loses vitality, resilience and you become susceptible to illnesses. The stress mounts up this accumulation leads to continuing disturbances in the physical-spiritual area.

Reiki helps you to experience your anger, fears or feelings of guilt and helps you 'let go' of the negativity bringing about harmony and positive emotions.

The Reiki treatment hand positions correspond with the body's endocrine glandular system and the seven main charkas. The endocrine system regulates hormone balance and metabolism. Our seven main charkas are seated in the human etheric body. They are connected to fine energy channels running along the spine. Without them the physical body could not exist. These energy centers collect subtle energy, transform it, and supply it to the body. Each chakra is linked to a certain organ or region in the body and has influence on its functions.

Reiki can help if you are suffering from depression, stress, emotional problems, and insomnia, pain and to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. It can also help to relax women undergoing IVF treatment making that treatment more successful.

For more tips go: http://www.s-healthguide.com/acupuncture.php

Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com

1 comment:

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